Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Cyber Punks!

Forgive my week of silence but we had some computer trouble - I WAS HACKED!

Have you guys heard about this? Cyber criminals are hijacking people's personal files and holding them ransom and there's really nothing you can do. One night, a message popped up on the screen of my laptop that made me suspicious that someone else was "in" my computer. The hubs thought I was paranoid and closed the window before I could copy and paste into a search. By morning, I'd completely forgotten about it but within 72 hours, up popped a new and horrifying message telling me I'd been locked out of my files and if I ever wanted to have access to them again, I better pay up!

Awhile back, I saw a piece about it on the Today Show so I knew it was likely real and that I had to kiss my files goodbye.

I still have NO idea how it happened. Like most of my generation, I'm pretty internet-savvy - I don't download from un-trusted sites, open emails and attachments I don't recognize or visit shady websites. I guess I need to re-evaluate what blog sites I consider "trusted" for my graphic downloads :-(

All I can say is think twice about where you get your download freebies and BACK UP EVERYTHING and do it often!

Thanks to backed-up files (yay for external hard drives), Dropbox and a husband who knows his way around a computer, I'm up and running with a clean bill of health. Ready to take on a new week of posts!

See you Friday for some more FAVES!

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